New Construction

In our nearly 50 years of building, the successful completion of over a million square feet of new construction projects has given us solid insight into the complexities of these types of buildings, anchored by an operational framework designed to meet and exceed budget and schedule goals, and deliver a project with the highest level of safety.

Oak Brook Reserve
2915 Jorie Boulevard Redevelopment
CHI02 Data Center Hall Addition
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Headquarters Addition and Janney Technical Center
Turano Baking Company
Headquarters Relocation
Timothy Christian Schools
Trojan Stadium – Track and Field Complex
Timothy Christian Schools
High School Addition and Renovation
Timothy Christian Schools
Middle School and High School Gym
Saint Viator High School
Dining Hall and Performing Arts Additions
Merieux Nutriscience
New Food Science Center
DAL06 Phase 3 Data Center Expansion